With the financial situation in mind, there are a lot of employees leaving corporations worldwide. This is of course an unfortunate situation for the employee but it is equally unfortunate for the corporation who looses a valuable asset. Microsoft have been using the term "Knowledgeworker" for quite some time and that just underlines the fact that when companies are laying off people, they also loose valuable information as soon as the employee is out the door.
It is therefore of great importance that there is a system in place that allows you to share information while you are working, either within teams or with the entire company, so you have resources available to pick up the ball where it was dropped.
Email-Manager is the product that helps our customers with this since it automatically captures information exchanged with business partners and immediately makes it available for relevant people within the company.
The mantra of Email-Manager is really, "Capture, Manage and Share - and do it automatically". Then it won't hurt quite as much when you have to let people go.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
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